We conduct both independent clinical research and partnerships with other researchers, universities, and hospitals worldwide.

Upon project completion, we share our findings at conferences, publish papers & articles, and run in-services so that the knowledge we’ve gained can benefit as many patients as possible.



  • Pousett, B. (2022) 5 Keys to Successfully Using Outcome Measures in Clinical Practice, Orthotics and Prosthetics Canada National Conference, Whistler, Canada.

    Pousett, B., Kok, B., Morgan, S., Hafner, B. (2022) Canadian Prosthetists’ Use of Outcome Measures in Clinical Practice, Orthotics and Prosthetics Canada National Conference, Whistler, Canada.

  • Kaluf B, Pousett B, Wurdeman SR. (2019). Outcome Measures Selection Case Studies. 45th Academy Annual Meeting & Scientific Symposium, Orlando, USA.

  • Orlando,Campbell, J., Hafner, B., Hahn, A., Kautman, K., Lundstrom, R., Pousett, B., Sabolich, S. (2018) Outcomes and Evidence Based Practice in P&O: How Are You Documenting Value in Your Clinic and Using it to Improve Reimbursement. American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association National Assembly, Vancouver, Canada.

    Cho, E., Pousett, B.. (2018). Electrodermal Activity (EDA) as a Method of Measuring Balance Confidence in Individuals with Lower-limb Amputations: A Pilot Study. American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association National Assembly, Vancouver, Canada.

    Rapaport, M, Chan, N. (2018). The Value of Corelations Between Outcome Measures to Clinical Practice. American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association National Assembly, Vancouver, Canada.

    Pousett, B., Campbell, L., Lau, A., Lizcano, A., Janzen, E., Murphy, D., Halsted, N., Raschke, S. (2018). Investigating Socket Strength: How do 3D Printing Techniques compare to Traditional Fabrication Methods. Orthotics Prosthetics Canada National Conference, Ottawa, Canada.

    Pousett, B., Cho, E., Wakeling, J., Pollock, C.. (2018). EDA as a method of measuring balance confidence in individuals with lower-limb amputation: A pilot study. Orthotics Prosthetics Canada National Conference, Ottawa, Canada.

    Pousett, B. (2018). How to Use Outcome Measures in Clinical Practice. Orthotics Prosthetics Canada National Conference, Ottawa, Canada

    Pousett, B., Budzinski, C., Labbé, D., Bennett, J., Cave, S., Plough, A., Swantje, L., Weiss, E., Miller, B. (2018). Examining Factors that Affect how Older Adults with Amputations Use their Prosthesis after Prosthetic Training. Orthotics Prosthetics Canada National Conference, Ottawa, Canada

  • Rapaport, M.S. (2017) The Value of Quantified Patient Care: A Retrospective Review of Using Outcomes in Clinical Practice. GF Strong Research Day, Vancouver, Canada.

    Moe, D., Rapaport, M.S. (2017) "Can Data Really Improve my Rehabilitation Experience?” Amputee Coalition of America National Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

    Pousett, B. (2017) An 18-Month Review of Implementing Outcome Measures in Clinical Practice. American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

  • Pousett, B. (2016) Clinical Approach to Outcome Measures, British Columbia Institute of Technology Prosthetics & Orthotics Program, Burnaby, Canada.

    Pousett, B. (2016) Introduction to Outcome Measures, Prosthetics and Orthotics Association of British Columbia In-service, Kelowna, Canada.

    Pousett, B. (2016) SnapShot of Patient Centered Care, Gainesville Prosthetics, Gainesville, USA.

    Pousett, B, Rapaport, M, Ruder, G, Whitney, A. (2016) Addressing the Barriers: The Development of a P&O Specific Outcome Measures Tool, Orthotics & Prosthetics Canada Conference, Banff, Canada.

    Pousett, B. (2016) Living the Vision: Transforming out Clinical Care towards Evidence Based Decision Making, Orthotics & Prosthetics Canada Conference, Banff, Canada.

    Pousett, B. (2016) SnapShot of Patient Centered Care, Orthotics & Prosthetics Canada Conference, Banff, Canada.

    Pousett, B. (2016) Clinical Data Collection, Orthotics & Prosthetics Canada Conference, Banff, Canada.

    Pousett, B. (2016) Outcomes in Action, GF Strong Research Day, Vancouver, Canada.

    Pousett, B. (2016) Outcomes in Action, American Academy of Orthotics and Prosthetics Lower Limb Prosthetic and Gait Society Forum, Orlando, USA.

    Pousett, B. (2016) Cool Tools for Gait Analysis, Lions Gait Hospital Physiotherapy In-service, North Vancouver, Canada.

    Pousett, B. (2016). Developing a Novel Control Strategy for Electric Upper Extremity Prostheses. Orthotics Prosthetics Canada National Conference, Banff, AB, Canada


  • Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Rapaport MS, Nigri C, Pousett BM, Mathis S. (2022). “Attitudes and behaviours toward using outcome measures in clinical practice: Findings of a blended education program.” Prosthetics Orthotics International. 46(5).

  • Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Pousett, B Budzinski, C Labbé, D Miller, WC. (2021). A mixed-methods study on prosthesis use among older Canadians with lower-limb amputations. Canadian Prosthetics & Orthotics Journal. 4(1)

    Cho, E Wakeling, JM Pousett, B Pollock CL. (2021). “Mapping of electrodermal activity(EDA) during outdoor community-levelmobility tasks in individuals with lower-limb amputation.” Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering. 8: 1-10.

  • Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Ahmadizadeh, C; Pousett, B; Menon, C. (2020). Towards Management of Residual Limb Volume: Monitoring the Prosthetic Interface Pressure to Detect Volume Fluctuations—A Feasibility Study. Applied Sciences. 10(19). DOI: 10.3390/app10196841

  • Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Pousett B, Lizcano A, Raschke SU. (2019). An Investigation of the Structural Strength of Transtibial Sockets Fabricated Using Conventional Methods and Rapid Prototyping Techniques. Canadian Prosthetics & Orthotics Journal

    Ahmadizadeh C, Pousett B, Menon C. (2019). Investigation of Channel Selection for Gesture Classification for Prosthesis Control Using Force Myography: a Case Study. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 7 DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00331

  • Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Campbell, L., Lau, A., Pousett, B., Janzen, E., Raschke, S. (2018). How Infill Percentage Affects the Ultimate Strength of 3D-Printed Transtibial Sockets During Initial Contact. Canadian Prosthetics & Orthotic Journal. 1(2).

  • Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Ahmadizadeh, C., Merhi, L.K., Pousett, B., Sangha, S., Menon, C. (2017). Toward Intuitive Prosthetic Control:Solving Common Issues Using Force Myography, Surface Electromyography, and Pattern Recognition in a Pilot Case Study. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine. 24(4): 202-111.

    Ferigo, D., Merhi, L.K., Pousett, B., Xiao, Z.G., Menon, C. (2017). A Case Study of a Force-myography Controlled Bionic Hand Mitigating Limb Position Effect. Journal of Bionic Engineering. 14(4): 692-705.

    Magazine Articles

    Pousett, B., Moe, D., Schubert, L. (2017) “Incorporating Outcome Measures into Daily Practice: A Clinicians’ Perspective”. Alignment 2017.

    Rapaport, M.S. (2017) “Let the Records Show: The Value of Electronic Medical Records in O&P Care”. Alignment 2017.

    Pousett, B. (2017) “3D Printing is Coming to Our Clinics: The Question is...Who’s Bringing it?”. Alignment 2017.

    Pousett, B. (2017) “Motivating Patients, Improving Care: A Case Study of Outcome Measures in Practice”. The O&P Edge.

  • Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Cho, E., Chen, R., Merhi, L.K., Xiao, Z.G., Pousett, B., Menon, C. (2016). Force Myography to Control Robotic Upper Extremity Prostheses: A Feasibility Study. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 4(18): 12.

    Orendurff, M. S., Raschke, S. U., Winder, L., Moe, D., Boone, D. A., & Kobayashi, T. (2016). Functional level assessment of individuals with transtibial limb loss: Evaluation in the clinical setting versus objective community ambulatory activity. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering.3: 1-6.

    Magazine Articles

    Pousett, B. (2016) “Everyone is Talking Outcome Measures. What do patients say?” Alignment 2016.

    Rapaport, M.S. (2016) “Outcome Measures". Alignment 2016.

    Pousett, B. (2016) “Our Journey to Cybathlon: Developing an Intuitive Upper Extremity Control Strategy”. Alignment 2016.

  • Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Raschke, S.U., Orendurff, M.S., Mattie, J.L., Kenyon, D.E.A., Jones, O.Y., Moe, D., Winder, L., Wong, A.S., Moreno-Hernández, A., Highsmith, M.J., et al. (2015). Biomechanical characteristics, patient preference and activity level with different prosthetic feet: a randomized double blind trial with laboratory and community testing. Journal of Biomechanics. 48(1):146-152.